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Can I play a midi file with blaxxun Contact?
Yes, you can. In fact there are 3 ways.
- Use an anchor. (cylinder)
- With the sound/audioclip node. (box)
- With the movieTexture node. (cone)
Here is a small example that uses all 3 methods...
Look at a text file
Pros & Cons:
- Anchor is easy to do, supported by Flux Studio, and the description and path is displayed in
the browser status area.
- Sound/AudioClip is easy to do in Flux Studio, only WAV and MID are supported. Easily
triggered by sensors such as proximity, visibility, or touch.
- MovieTexture can play many different media formats (mid, ram, rm, mpg, mp3, avi, mov,
and animated gif) but must be manually input (hand editing of Flux Studio VRML output is