You just got Flux Studio and can't figure out the first thing about it. Reading the help files and looking at some of the examples is a good idea. On this page I will cover some basic aspects of beginning to model with Flux Studio. Lets stack up a cube, a cylinder, and a cone... The first thing I like to do it to turn on the 4 Standard Views, it lets you see the
objects from several sides at once.
OK, now lets put a cylinder on top of the box. Click on the cylinder icon, then click in the front view window just above the box. You may end up with something like this...
To get the cylinder to line up with the box you can try to drag it (translate or
transform it to a new location) You may find that you did not get the Box in the exact center of the view window. Double click the box and look at the properties on the Trans tab for it. Set X and Z to zero for it too. You should have something like this... Now use what you have learned to position a green cone on top of the cylinder. You can use the arrow keys on the keyboard to shift the box and cone down in the front view window. X and Z values should be zero and Y should be 4. Double click on the cone and select the Material tab then click on the color green. Your results should possibly look like this... Hit the save to disk icon and save the file with a descriptive name (I used box_cyl_cone.spz). You can also export a VRML file (.wrl) by selecting the file menu and the Export VRML97 World option. If you want to look at the file in a text editor, you can change the File Export Options so that you do not gzip the file, and then when you export the file it will be in plain ASCII text (readable by a human, not compressed binary code). Normally you want to gzip (compress) the files, it makes them 10 times smaller than an ASCII file that is why this is the default in Flux Studio. |