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For Worlds created for Cybertown

Please remember that these guidelines are offered so that Cybertown content is viewable by all Citizens, even those with slower computers. These guidelines are fluid and not written in stone; they will change with time as new insight is obtained. Remember that the optimization is always a concern, so please observe these guidelines when possible.


Worlds created for Cybertown should contribute to a uniform appearance for the City. Cybertown is a futuristic city, and work created for group projects, or public areas of Cybertown should reflect this. No medieval castles for downtown Cybertown.

There will be exceptions to this rule, such as the House projects, designed to give you, the World Builder some artistic freedom.

Basic Guidelines for Submitted Work

- VRML97 code only. No VRML 1.0

- Filenames that work on UNIX; no spaces or special characters.

- All files should be gzip'd

- WorldInfo World Title with Author and e-mail (please)

- One Unit is one meter

- No Background, no NavInfo, no lights for .wrls that are merely parts.

- Avoid looping animations, or keep loops simple where absolutely necessary

- Protos yes, ExternalProtos no.

- Sounds up to 30 KByte, no more that 30kb sound in any one world.

- bbox always -1 -1 -1

-Include LOD's whenever possible.

-No Inlines in final file.


File size: 50kb gzip'd --80kb total with texture.

Polygon: 500 polygons--this is a high limit, try and beat it.

Textures: 1 texture per Avatar, None is better.

Animation: One or two simple looping animations max. More animations are acceptable for Gestures, or for animations triggered by sensors.

Lighting: No lighting on avatars ever.

Comments: Avatars should be as simple as possible. Remember that there may easily be as many as 40 avatars in a scene at one time. Several large, complex avatars can easily exceed the viewer's computer's ability to render at acceptable frame rates. While it is tempting to show off with fancy avatars, please view avatars as a challenge in optimization.

Buildings, included in group projects.

File size: 40k gzip'd 80k with textures.

Polygon: 200 polygon

Textures: 8 textures Max.

Animation: Avoid looping animations, or keep loops simple. Otherwise as long as file size limits are observed, triggered animations may be use in any amount.

Lighting: None.

Comments: This category includes any building to be included in a group project. Any structures of an architectural scale should also follow this guideline (such as a Ferris Wheel for the Park).

Objects, included in group projects.

File size: 20k gzip'd 25k with textures.

Polygon: 120 polygon

Textures: 1 texture Max.

Animation: Avoid looping animations, or keep loops simple. Otherwise as long as file size limits are observed, triggered animations may be use in any amount.

Lighting: None.

Comments: This category includes such things as trees, lamps, furniture, or any small object to be placed in a larger world. Please use your best judgment, some objects should be smaller than the limits set by this guideline. The less significant an object is (such as a rock), or the more often repeated (such as a tree)---the smaller the file size, polygon count, etc.

Stand Alone Worlds--individual efforts, such as Houses

File size: 400kb gzip'd including textures

Polygon: 2500 polygon

Textures: 10 textures Max.

Animation: Avoid looping animations, or keep loops simple. Otherwise as long as file size limits are observed, triggered animations may be use in any amount.

Lighting: 8 lights Maximum


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