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The following images are here for historical purposes.

Some Cellular Automata that I messed with, they look great as a repeating pattern...

cellular.jpg (40485 bytes)    cellular2.jpg (15425 bytes)  cellular7.jpg (58909 bytes)  cellular5.jpg (26238 bytes)

These are some of my earlier works (circa 1993) that I manually digitized on a microVAX workstation as X bitmap files using DXpaint and a summagraphics bitpad.

      cube2small.bmp (414 bytes)  cube6bkgrnd.gif (1705 bytes)  SQUARE2.BMP (4242 bytes)

doublediamond.gif (4654 bytes)  CUBES3.GIF (4561 bytes)

MCEFILL.GIF (8743 bytes) 


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