#VRML V2.0 utf8 # This file was generated by Peter Graf at blaxxun # and modified by Mr. Phillip # It works with a file called gestures.wrl EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture1 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture1" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture2 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture2" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture3 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture3" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture4 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture4" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture5 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture5" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture6 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture6" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture7 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture7" EXTERNPROTO DefaultGesture8 [ eventOut SFVec3f position_changed eventOut SFRotation rotation_changed exposedField SFTime startTime ] "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/gestures.wrl#DefaultGesture8" NavigationInfo { # set_bind eventIn SFBool avatarSize [ 0.25, 1.75, 0.75 ] # exposedField MFFloat headlight FALSE # exposedField SFBool speed 1.0 # exposedField SFFloat type ["WALK","ANY"] # exposedField MFString visibilityLimit 0.0 # exposedField SFFloat # isBound eventOut SFBool } PROTO Avatar [ exposedField MFNode avatarNodes [] exposedField SFTime gesture1 0 exposedField SFTime gesture2 0 exposedField SFTime gesture3 0 exposedField SFTime gesture4 0 exposedField SFTime gesture5 0 exposedField SFTime gesture6 0 exposedField SFTime gesture7 0 exposedField SFTime gesture8 0 exposedField SFBool isAvatar FALSE ] { DEF T Transform { rotation 0 -1 0 0.2 children IS avatarNodes } DEF G1 DefaultGesture1 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G2 DefaultGesture2 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G3 DefaultGesture3 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G4 DefaultGesture4 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G5 DefaultGesture5 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G6 DefaultGesture6 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G7 DefaultGesture7 { startTime IS startTime } DEF G8 DefaultGesture8 { startTime IS startTime } ROUTE G1.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G2.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G3.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G4.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G5.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G6.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G7.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G8.position_changed TO T.translation ROUTE G1.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G2.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G3.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G4.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G5.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G6.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G7.rotation_changed TO T.rotation ROUTE G8.rotation_changed TO T.rotation } Avatar { avatarNodes [ Billboard { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { texture ImageTexture { url "http:/www.philliphansel.com/avatars/protos/newfacet.gif" } } geometry Sphere { radius .75 } } ] } ] gesture1 0 gesture2 0 gesture3 0 gesture4 0 gesture5 0 gesture6 0 gesture7 0 gesture8 0 isAvatar FALSE }